After a year of solely attending online events due to COVID-19 strict sanitary measures, we were beyond excited when Wight Night Events announced they were hosting their July 9-10th Conference offline.
WN Events are international business conferences held for the game industry where key worldwide gaming companies gather to share exciting news, expertise and discuss the future.
Nadya, Tempr.'s US Sales Director, took the opportunity to fly to Russia, her country of origin, to represent Tempr. - a predictive optimization technology for UA (User Acquisition).
What happened on the 9-10th of July at WN St. Petersburg?
The WN St.Petersburg was a huge hybrid event bringing together 500+ gaming industry professionals, 30 speakers from key actors in gaming and mobile marketing such as App Annie, Iron Source, and Pixonic, and attracted over 3,000 online attendees. The conference focused on the games market in Eastern Europe and was a brilliant occasion for Nadya to get insights about
- New game releases
- New industry players
- Best practices from the gaming industry leaders
- Post COVID-19 User Acquisition opportunities and challenges in gaming
- Hot topics such as iOS 14 and UA development in China
The opportunity to finally meet in person gaming industry key decision-makers
Worldwide industry leaders such as King, Obsidian, Supercell, Rovio, Bandai Namco, Big Fish, and Wargaming usually attend WN events. Thanks to WN's smart contact hub, Nadya was able to meet many of them and in particular gaming professionals interested in Tempr.'s UA holistic solution:
- Lite Games
- Azur Games...
Showcasing Tempr.'s current features, getting feedback, enrolling new partners in our Beta Tester Program, and talking about ROAS predictions, product opportunities, and future partnerships were punctuating her NW weekend.
Because we like it Fashion, Nadya was - of course - carrying with her, branded tote bags as a souvenir to anyone who wished to claim "Don't lose your Tempr. Use it." to the world.

Did you miss Nadya at WN in St. Petersburg? No worries - we have plenty of time to catch up! You can email us at to have a chat right away. Want to read some cool news? Sign up for our newsletter here.